Prof. Dr. Stephan Höyng
Prof. Dr. Stephan Höyng lives in Berlin, where he is Professor of Boys’ and Men’s Work at the Catholic University of Applied Social Sciences and Director of the Institute for Gender and Diversity in Social Practice Research. As co-founder of Dissens e.V., he has been concerned with the relationship of different masculinities to gainful employment, caring behaviour and pedagogy for over 30 years. He has led a European Union research project on masculinities in a changing world of work. After conducting research on men in early childhood education, he led a coordinating agency to increase the number of men in child care centers and promote lateral entry into the educator profession (2010-2019, From 2012 to 2020 he was a member of the board of the Bundesforum Männer, interest group for boys, men and fathers. He was a member of the expert commission for the third equality report.
Recent Publications:
Expert Commission for the Third Equality Report of the Federal Government (2021): Digitalisierung geschlechtergerecht gestalten. Expert opinion for the Third Equality Report of the Federal Government. Berlin.
Höyng, Stephan (2020): More Care, More Share, Less Masculinity? New practices of men and their functionalization in a neoliberal society. In: Dinges, Martin (ed.): Männlichkeiten und Care. Self-care, family-care, social-care. Weinheim and Basel: Beltz Juventa. S. 68-85