Practical guide explains the legally compliant use of AI in small and medium-sized companies
More and more small and medium-sized companies are discovering artificial intelligence as a useful tool in generating, analyzing and marketing data. What project managers often lack is solid knowledge of legal and data protection regulations. In collaboration with the Bertelsmann Foundation’s “Future of Work” platform, lawyers Per Christiansen and Till Kreutzer have therefore published the “AI in Companies – A Practical Guide to Legal Issues”.
He initially deals with legal issues in the design and procurement of AI technologies and then accompanies the project phases of procurement, system design, training with training data and later use in live operation. Central considerations are intellectual property law and data protection law. Among other things, questions such as: Who owns the AI are dealt with? When can content be used for training purposes? What are the system requirements for handling personal data? Which data can be used for training purposes? How can discrimination by the system be avoided? In addition, aspects of labor law are also addressed.
The Bertelsmann Foundation provides the guidelines for free download.